With their unique perspective on the Rice experience, parents are among the university's strongest advocates. In addition to supporting their own students, many parents also contribute philanthropically to Rice to ensure that Owls have every opportunity to learn and lead, both on campus and beyond.
Parent Giving Results (Fiscal Year 2024)
Donors as of June 30: 3,624
Donor total includes gifts to Rice University by parents of current and past students between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.
Dollars as of June 30: $7.05 million
Giving totals include gifts to Rice University by parents of current and past students between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.
Participation as of June 30: 28%
Participation rates include all parents of current and past students who have made gifts to Rice University between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.
The Rice Fund
The majority of parents who make a gift to Rice do so through the Rice Fund. More than 2,100 Rice parents gave to the Rice Fund during the 2024 fiscal year, providing immediate-use funding that goes to work for students and the university today. Such unrestricted funding enables Rice to respond to new opportunities and funding needs as they arise, fostering the most vibrant university environment possible.

Rice Family Fellows
The Rice Family Fellows program is a giving society for parents and family members who are committed to fulfilling the university's mission to provide a transformative undergraduate education to its students. By generously supporting the programs and initiatives that matter most to their students, Family Fellows are philanthropic leaders in the Rice community.
Family Fellows share a personalized connection with Rice leadership. Through experiences like specialized campus tours and exclusive communications from deans and faculty members throughout the year, Family Fellows are able to deeply engage with the university. Family Fellows and their Owls are also invited to signature events – past examples include a reception with the Rice president and distinguished faculty during Families Weekend in the fall.
For more information about joining the Rice Family Fellows, please contact Diane O'Brien, director of development for parents and families, at 713-348-3287 or dobrien@rice.edu.

Parent Resources
General Information for Parents
Answers to common questions regarding the events, services & opportunities on campus
Sign Up for the Electronic Newsletter
If you are not receiving the Parents and Families Newsletter, please send us your preferred contact information by emailing alumrec@rice.edu with your name, email, student name and student class year.
First Year Programs
Information and resources for both parents and students new to Rice